Useful Links

Hopeful Home wants to make sure you can get all the help you can. We can walk you up to the door by supporting you and giving advice, but if you want to open the door to take things further here are a few links you can read.

Legal information:

Laws on Domestic Abuse vary depending on what country you live in, but this is general information which is beneficial and applies to all people regardless of country.

What counts as domestic abuse for legal aid:
You and you childern must either be victims of domestic abuse or financial control.

Finding and providing evidence:

You'll need to show that you and your children were at risk from your ex-partner. Evidence includes recordings, videos, witnesses, any signs of injury. You can ask for evidence from the courts, the police, a multi-agency risk assessment conference, social services, a health professional, a refuge manager, a domestic violence support service, your bank, your employer, the provider of any benefits you've recieved. You can download and print a sample letter to send to the police, courts or medical and docial services. If you want to take things to court to get an injunction, you should read the information in Legal information. and your Legal rights

Child abuse:

Are you, or a person you know, a child who gets abused? If you are, you may want to look at Childlines information on Child abuse.