Hopeful Home

The place where you can feel safe.

Hopeful Homes is an app which aims to educated, support and empower victims of abuse with the use of an AI chatbot. Scroll down to find out more about our app and how you can benefit from it.

About Us

During these tough and unknowing times, we decided that for us, as a team the most important aspect is the mental and physical well being of those who are lucky enough to not be suffering with COVID-19. In particular, we have chosen to look at a shocking statistic and work towards lowering it as part of our achievements from the app. Domestic Abuse figures have gone up 25% since the lockdown has started across the world, and more people now than ever before are facing aggressors in the household. With the outside world not being safe anymore, we aim to make the home a safe environment for as many as we can.

You're braver than you seem,
Stronger than you feel,
and smarter than you think.


Pin protected

Without your password, the app won't open. So you don't need to worry about people snooping through your personal things. Your password will change weekly and will be unique to you.


You'll be talking to haven our bot, so you know your concerns are being given the suitable advice and aren't being shared.


You'll also be educated on domestic abuse and what to do when it becomes a problem. You'll receive inforfomation such as how to better your situation, legal processes and making a contingency plan.

How does the app work?

Hopeful Home is made of 2 parts - a disguise, and it's true form. On the outside it will look like a calculator and when opened, works like one too. When you type in your personal pin (using the buttons of the calculator) you can open up your Hopeful Home and access all the features with Haven our bot, a few of which are recieveing advice, empowerment and questionnaires to evaluate how heathy your relationship is. To find out more information check out more about our app.