What is Haven?

Haven is a bot which aims to educate victims of abuse. As said by Barnardos, one of our interviewees, educating victims of abuse is crucial and its importance is often judged incorrectly by victims. Haven will educate you on legal information, contingency plans and recognising an abusive relationship. As well as this, Haven aims to empower these victims by providing them with 'quotes of empowerment'. This is so that they can be reminded their worth which would be very beneficial in situations where domestic abuse occurs.


Try to avoid spelling mistakes, slang or extended sentences

Phrases to use:

If you want to be educated on abuse and what it is, why it happens and phases, ask 'What is abuse?'.
If you want an empowering quote, type 'An empowering quote'.
If you want ways to improve your mood, type 'How can I stay positive' or 'Im sad'.
If you want information on contingency plans, type in 'contingency plans'.
Ask me what my name is.