Hopeful Homes is an app which aims to educated, support and empower victims of abuse with the use of an AI chatbot. Scroll down to find out more about our app and how you can benefit from it.
We have created an advanced calculator app, which looks
ordinary from the outside and can be used as one too, but when
the screen of our app is rotated, it will have symbols which
can be used to unlock the inside of the app which is the
actual domestic abuse help. The code will be +, -, x, ÷, and
then also a pi character.
One of our main features
on the app will be chat boxes which will be controlled with ai
and this is where our victims can talk about the issues that
they are having. Studies show that this as well as improving
mental health, can also form small pieces of independence and
empowerment which could be useful for the victim in this time.
This feature will also raise awareness for the users and they
will know that they aren’t alone.
As well as this,
victims can take recordings of videos. This recording can
either be kept within their log and used as they wish, to aid
them in the future: i.e. emailing it to areas of help or as
evidence in the future. As opposed to traditional microphone
apps, it will not be visible that there is recording taking
We will also have legal education which can help if the victim
is looking to get out of whatever relationship they share with
their perpetrator and how legal formalities will plan out if
they were to ever need to leave during these difficult times.
Finally, a feedback feature has been embedded, and
this is to give the user ways to improve the app and send
feedback as to how the app worked for them and how we can make
others’ experiences the best they can be.